Three Enemy Types and New Level
Today’s work involved completing the three enemies I need to be able to have a basic demo for our game. I finished these three types: one being the troll, ground worm, and flying worm that shoots at a distance. Right now it doesn’t really float but it’s collision makes it “float”.
Here’s the checklist I used to build the three enemies:
Things You Need To Create an Enemy
-Model, textures, animations
-Animation blueprint with fullbody pose, upperbody pose, animnotifys set, and locomotion
-Animation montages of the attacking(you need to add anim notify of DealDamage and called through animation blueprint), death, and flinching
-Animation blendspace of the walking
-Character blueprint(duplicating a previous one) and rewiring it to have the animation blueprint set, the mesh, texture, ai controller, and animations montages wired up to be the characters own.
-AI Controller with it only saying run the characters behavior tree.
-Copy the behavior tree default functions and edit them for the new character.
-Duplicate the behavior tree and edit it with the new functions.
Next, I created a map. This map is based off of the game Hexen where they have giant rooms and smaller rooms with passage ways.
I made this giant map (isn’t complete) but I need to add lighting, spawners, debris, and more to make it actually good looking and like Hexen.