Things I learned today:

  • Creating a landscape and then deleting it????
  • Landscape Layer Blend in Materials
  • Landscape Sculpting Tools; smooth, erosion, hydro erosion, etc.
  • Landscape Painting
  • Landscape Grass and Foliage

Today, I actually started working on the survival game, continuing the Udemy course I started about a week ago. Today’s work involved getting used to the landscape tools by making several test levels by testing out the tools. We used smoothing, sculpting, erosion, flattening, hydro erosion, ramp tool, copy and paste/select (my favorite), and etc. Next, we created a landscape material of grass and dirt so it would set the landscape material to dirt and paint on grass. Then, we applied the grass/ferns meshes to be inside the M_Grass so it would paint random patches of grass and dirt. We got used to the tools and created a new level which we actually used for the game.

This level, was an area in which the outer rim was a dome like rim of hills where it’s the same level and you can’t climb up so it’s an “arena”. Next, we put an area full of grass with dirt patches, seen below.

The reflection of the hill is caused because we haven’t put actual light and the grass moves side to side.


Next we started the castle area. We put a fountain in the middle, put blocks in a like pathway around it. Then, we put the blocks 100 units above the ground and put a staircase on either side of the inside dip. After the pathway was done, we put walls and pillars in each corners and window walls with tiny pillars connected to the stairs.

Then we put archways at the ends of the stairs over the walkway. Next, we put little hanging detail things on the arches (hard to see from photo). After, we made a castle entrance with statues and arches and doorways with angels over the arches.

Castle Inside
Castle Inside