Earlier this week, a school resource officer for a school in Orlando, Florida, arrested two students. You may think, “That sounds relatively normal for a school resource officer to arrest two students,” but in this case it isn’t. In this instance, the Orlando resource officer worked at an elementary school. If you’re following my drift, you will now understand how bizarre this story is. The resource officer arrested two 6-year-old students from his workplace, Lucious and Emma Nixon Academy, on Monday, September 23rd.

The resource officer for the elementary school arrested one of the elementary students for reportedly “having a temper tantrum” at school one day. The girl, Kaia Rolle, kicked another student and got in trouble. Normally if you kicked someone at school, there would light consequences for your actions. Maybe you’ll get in trouble and you would have to apologize to the victim for kicking them.

When I was younger, I was once in a situation with possible deep trouble like this 6-year-old in Orlando. One time when I was in second grade, I thought I was a very funny and cool kid, and thought it would be hilarious to try and pull a chair out from underneath someone. I chose someone random in my class(at the time) to do this very sinister act to. Shortly after, I walked up behind them as they were about to sit down and pulled the chair from underneath them. The young boy fell to the floor immediately and started wondering what happened. After awhile he was laughing once he realized it was me who did this to him. My teacher ran over to question me about what happened, why I did this, etc. All I ended up “being sentenced to” was apologizing to the kid. I did that and we all walked our separate ways. There was no involvement of a school resource officer, the principal, or anybody higher up, it was just a teacher to student intervention.

The problem here is, the 6-year-old student got arrested for doing something so puny and I didn’t get in the slightest trouble. The girl was arrested and was going to be charged for battery. If he was a reasonable school resource officer, he would jokingly say “you’re under arrest” or just try to scare the kid about it. He wouldn’t have fully arrested the girl and drove her to the Orlando Police Department to get her fingerprints and mugshots done. This right here is a very bad example for police officers to be setting to the children of today’s society. This man also tried arresting another kid but got stopped mid-arrest. Ultimately, the school resource officer was fired from the Orlando Police Department and the department wasn’t very happy with what the school resource officer did to the children.