Most teens today are now super picky with eating. Some barely eat any vegetables at all and others don’t include any vegetables in their diet. Teenagers who are picky typically diet on prepackaged chicken products, pizza, french fries, and other fatty foods. Then there’s also very extreme cases of picky diets.

One such case is a kid from Bristol, England, who only ate fries, Pringles potato chips, white bread, and processed meat products since his elementary school times. This kid was only 14 years old when he went to the doctor’s office complaining about tiredness. Remarkably, he didn’t show any visible signs of malnutrition along with being an average BMI height and weight. Shortly after, the doctors noticed the young boy had low vitamin B12 amounts and anemia, or lack of healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Doctors treated him with B12 injections and gave him advice on how to treat this.

A year later, the boy was going blind. The boy didn’t do anything to stop this from happening. He showed symptoms of losing sight and hearing but the doctors couldn’t find the cause. The boy’s condition worsened to the point that he is now completely blind at 17 years old.

This type of diet is very common in a lot of teenagers and some young adults in today’s society. These young people are scared to try new things and even give it a chance. Humans can’t just survive on just meat and carbs, they need all sorts of vitamins that come from fruits and vegetables that these kids don’t get. Carrots, for example, make your eyesight better and a lot of older people eat them because they need the vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for eyesight and immune system functionality. If only the boy had eaten a few vegetables here and there, he wouldn’t be blind. Mixing some vegetables into your daily diet is important, it’s necessary. Schools need to advertise to students what a healthy diet is like and tell them how to start one, since they can’t just start eating vegetables by themselves. The students wouldn’t like the taste of raw ones, the school would have to show good examples of a good diet and include it in their school lunches. In the U.S., schools are required to give students a certain amount of foods with nutritional richness. That doesn’t mean the students have to eat it, but the school is required to give the students these foods. In conclusion, schools should definitely up their game with promoting a healthy diet or some of these kids are going to grow up malnutritioned.

French Fries
French Fries