The past two days I have been working on a game for a game jam. I started ideas after Friday night and it started at 4 pm on Friday. I started on Saturday the first. The game jam had to be about a main genre of game let’s say FPS with out a main mechanic of those games like movement or no shooting or no guns or something. A lot of people did games with characters that are blind. Austin, Adam, and I came up with various ideas over the course of Friday night and a little bit in the morning of Saturday. We ended up doing an FPS game but you don’t have direct control of the player, you have to manually select movements for the character ahead of time like a strategy game. I spent most of the day Saturday making it and got main mechanics down then Sunday was rushed and I couldn’t publish my game. But, the game jam’s owner tweeted saying to email him and you’d get a special link to reupload your game tomorrow. So I am happy now and relieved. This is my game below I made.

Title Screen of Game
Title Screen of Game