Sneaking Game

Currently in development as of 10-17-18
“Sneaking Game” as it is named right now could possibly be one of the biggest and coolest original game I have created. The whole premise of the game is there are two different teams. These two teams do completely different things to win. One of the teams is a group of teenagers who are trying to vandalize an old man’s house. This team gets more points by doing various tasks the “sneaking” team can do like (as of right now) spray painting the “seeking” team’s house, covering trees and objects in toilet paper, and covering the security cameras with their phones (more on that later). The “seeking” team (as of right now) holds down a house that is equipped with security cameras all around their property. Some could be in some trees and some could be on the sides of the house. These cameras can rotate side to side, up and down, and zoom in and out. This creation of a security camera in UE4 sparked my imagination and spawned this game right here. The seeker has a room with six monitors on a wall that display live feed from those different cameras. I first experimented with have a hud you would pull up with a button that added a new feed for each camera added but later it didn’t seem useful for gameplay. The “seekers” get points by capturing the faces of “sneakers” which works with line traces. Seekers also have at their advantage of multiple lights that are around the map. These can be turned on and off. We’re still working on a function for those and if they potentially harm the sneaker team. This could give the seeker team points in varying ways too. There is an idea to add sensor lights that turn on when a player is nearby. Light could maybe damage the sneaker team. This is still an early access game.